
New Research Says Just 30 Minutes of Jogging a Day Could Add 9 Years to Your Lifespan



A new research claims that just 30 minutes of jogging a day for five days a week could extend a person’s lifespan by up to 10 years.

The research shows that those who exercise regularly can slow down the aging of cells. However, the exercise have to be high intensity for the effect to be strong enough.

According to MailOnline;

“Experts at Brigham Young University determined there was a difference of nine and seven years at a cellular level between those who did intense workouts on a regular basis compared to those who did moderate exercises.

Women, they found, need to jog for up to 30 minutes a day for five days a week in order to slow down cell aging. For men, it’s 40 minutes.

It could even stave off the onset of wrinkles and graying hair.

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