A Ghanaian man, Minta Adiddo was yesterday jailed in London for 17 years for stabbing his wife, Akua Agyeman, 32, fifteen times before attempting to run her over with his car over suspicion she was cheating with their neighbour. The mother of 2 spent two months in hospital before giving up the ghost. He as usual blamed his actions on the devil. A young vibrant life lost because of insecurity and ‘maybe’ unfounded suspicion.
Human emotions get the better part of some people, and this includes women in relationships, Jealousy has torn apart many a relationship over the years. It verges on and has easily crossed the lines of paranoia and obsessive behaviour which has led some to be violent to their partners and some to their early graves. Whatever form a man’s jealousy takes, the root cause is always the same: insecurity. Many ladies misread the signs when entering into a relationship with a jealous man, interpreting his possessive behaviour as caring, loving or even romantic.
Jealousy is excruciatingly uncomfortable. People sometimes try to make themselves feel better by trying to get their partner jealous. Don’t do this. Flirting with other men or women all the time in front of your partner; constantly saying how attractive, fun and going out of your way to talk about past lovers just demeans you and won’t make either of you feel better in the relationship. Some people confuse make-believe with reality. Making another jealous to ‘measure’ their worth of love is absurdity.
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