In a situation like this, information is required from close relatives and friends of the missing individuals to help police and the general public search for the victims.
Lot of people have had something to say in connection with this Castro and Janet drowning issue – from friends, families, eyewitnesses, spiritualists, and a whole lot. Another person to join the train is Lordina, a cousin to Janet Bandu (the lady supposedly believed to have drowned with Castro De Destroyer)
Speaking in an interview with Sammy Flex on Pluzz 89.9 FM this morning, Lordina (who was very tactful in her communication), revealed that they (family) did not know their sister Janet was at Ada.
According to Lordina, Janet told her mom on Saturday (5th July, 2013) that she was going somewhere with her friends. The names of the friends, according to Lordina, were not provided by Janet.
“This is something she normally does. You know she is an actor (sic) and normally people take them out to go and shoot movies or advert so it’s one of those things. She goes and comes back home. She told the mom that she was going on one of those trips with her friends. She did not mention who those friends are, and she left.”
“On Saturday around 4pm, the mom called her and asked her why they have not come back and she said they will be back on Sunday. These were her words on Saturday around 4pm to her mother”, Lordina added.