
Jackie Appiah Swerves World Cup Presidential Commission of Inquiry | She is Holidaying in Czech Republic

Razz Newspaper
Razz Newspaper

Over the weekend, several online reports stated that actress-Jackie Appiah was going to make an appearance before the Presidential Commission of Inquiry set up to investigate Ghana’s 2014 World Cup fiasco—as the first celebrity ambassador.

The reports said; Jackie Appiah and the other celebrity ambassadors were paid over $20,000 each on a state-sponsored all-expenses paid trip to the World Cup, and it was time for her to answer some questions—just as others have been doing in front of the commission.

But Monday passed and Jackie Appiah did not make any appearance as reported. In fact, she was far away in Europe, holidaying…

Razz Newspaper contacted Jackie Apppiah and she said; “I am lost; no one has contacted me or informed be about anything. You are the first person to even tell me about this story circulating online, so let’s consider it as one of the online public rumors”.

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Pretty Ghanaian actress, Jackie Appiah was trending as one of the chosen celebrity ambassadors for Ghana’s participation at the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. She was again trending over some disturbing speculations about her so-called closeness with the then Minister of Sports and months after the World Cup, Jackie is again trending for her supposed appearance before the Commission of Inquiry set up to investigate proceedings at the mundial.

Jackie Appiah’s name has extensively been bandied around in the media as the first entertainer-ambassador to appear before the Justice Dzamefe-led Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Ghana’s dismal performance at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

The actress was said to make the appearance early this week, together with the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Vice President, Fred Crenstil and former national football team stars, C.K. Akunnor and Augustine Arhinful.

However, Razz investigations revealed that the actress is in far away Czech Republic and expressed her ignorance of her being called before the Commission when the paper spoke to her.

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