
Is there a Single God? Soccer Predictions From Various Pastors Depict Otherwise | They Make Us Believe God Is a Liar



Muslims believe there is only one Allah. Christians view on this issue is somehow ambiguous. According to some section of Christians, there is only one true God. Some on the other hand believe there is more than one God.

I have always ascribed to the notion that there exists a single God in this universe. Conversely, the attitudes of some pastors make me want to think otherwise. It is not surprising when people make predictions in connection with matches being played. It’s either such predictions come true or they get flawed.

I do not have any problem when a flawed prediction came from an ordinary person. However, I find every reason to ask questions when predictions from pastors do not come to pass. Many so-called pastors came up with a whole lot of predictions in relation to the Ghana – USA match that was played on Monday. I spent some time panning through some radio stations before the match. Among other things, some pastors were on air making their predictions known to the general public.

If not anything at all, I can still remember the predictions of about 5 pastors in relation to the Ghana – USA match. It may interest you to know that, none of the foretold scores by the men of God came to pass. According to some of them, God revealed the scores to them via dreams. Others were of the notion that, God, through the Holy Spirit, spoke with them.

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