
Black Woman Wears Sign Saying ‘I Just Came Here to Find A Husband’

Find Husband
Ayana Evans

This is may seem desperate but she is just putting in extra effort so to find what she wants—something most women will not do, even though they may so much want that particular man they would want to call HUSBAND.

Ayana Evans, the woman above needs a husband and therefore she is not leaving it to chance—so she decided to place a sign at her back, saying, ‘I Just Came Here to Find A Husband’.

Demetria Lucas D’Oyley, in a piece for The Root, reached out to Evans, a performance artist, to find out why she wears the sign.

She explained:

“As an artist, when I have a block and I can’t think of anything to make art about, it usually means I’m not being honest about something. There have been a lot of points where I have been desperate about finding a husband, feeling anxious, wondering, “When is it going to happen? Where am I going to meet him?” I’m not proud of that, but that’s definitely how I felt. I haven’t been in a relationship in six years. I realized worrying about getting married was something I edit out a lot in work. So I was like, “All right, let’s make a piece about how I feel.”

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