
Have Ghanaian Restaurants Heard Of Customer Service At All?


I always spare the many Ghanaian women selling by the road side when they disregard the all-important ‘concept of customer service’. But if I make an effort to enter a restaurant, I expect to see a little bit of the principles of customer service being put into use…

I will not bother with the several so called ‘High Class’ restaurants in Ghana—-simply because they do not have any to learn from and they’ve no real competitors to keep them on their toes.

From waiters/waitress digging out their noses thinking you aren’t aware while serving your food/drink to paying more attention to the TV on the wall than the paying customer, I’ve come to accept that most Ghanaian Restaurant operators have not heard of customer service at all…

When was the last time you entered a Ghanaian restaurant and received a good customer service which you can even compare to the lousy service they slap our faces with at McDonalds?

I used to wonder why  Ghanaian restaurants in Europe and America do not last—-they pop up and vanish into thin air all the time.  After several visits to various Ghanaian restaurants, I think I know the answer.

Over the last year, I took it upon myself to try dishes from Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Japan, India, Morocco, Jamaica and Poland. Dinning at restaurants operated by people of these countries confirmed my assertion; Ghanaian restaurant operators have not heard of customer service at all.

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