
Hassan Ayariga Says The EC Disqualifying Him Is The 'Joke Of The Century'


APC flagbearer Hassan Ayariga remains livid at the Electoral Commission for disqualifying from the 2016 Presidential election race, leveling all sorts of insults against the body and its chairperson.
Hassan was one of numerous candidates who were disqualified by the EC Monday, citing irregularities within their filing documents.

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VIDEO: EC Chair Charlotte Osei Lists Her Reasons For Disqualifying Presidential Candidates


EC Boss-Charlotte Osei
EC Boss-Charlotte Osei

The Electoral Commission chairwoman, Mrs Charlotte Osei, caused quite the stir Monday when she announced that only four candidates of the 17 that filed nominations for the elections would make it onto the ballot.
John Dramani Mahama, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, Ivor Greenstreet and Independent candidate Joseph Osei-Yeboah were the only ones who fulfilled all criteria and reached the promised land.

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Akua Donkor's 18 Year Old Running Mate, Dr Nduom's 'Fraudulent' Endorser – Reasons For EC Disqualifying 13 Presidential Candidates For December Polls


akua-donkor-running mate
Ghana politics is more than a comedy show. We usually say Ghaianan’s play too much and whilst true, it is by no means limited to just the ordinary citizens but even those ‘running’ for the highest position in the land.
So instead of having a grave process to elect a leader, we are left with a clown show featuring people like Hassan Ayariga and Akua Donkor.

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AUDIO: 'Stupid, Foolish, Who The F*ck Are You?' Hassan Ayariga Descends On EC Boss For Disqualification


Flagbearer of the All People’s Congress (APC) and intellectually bankrupt plagiarism crusader, Hassan Ayariga,  has descended on the EC Chair Charlotte Osei with some foul and uncouth language following his disqualification from the 2016 Presidential race.
Hassan, in a radio interview after the distressing blow was delivered to him by Mrs Osei, could not restrain himself from verbally assaulting the EC boss, hurling insults such as ‘stupid’ and foolish her way.

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Dr Nduom, Hassan Ayariga, Akua Donkor And 10 Others Disqualified From Contesting 2016 Elections


The Electoral Commission Chair, Mrs Charlotte Osei, has announced the candidates for the 2016 Presidential polls at a press conference held in Accra Monday.
The flagbearers of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), Madam Akua Donkor and the All People’s Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, head a tall list of candidates disqualified from contesting the polls.

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INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT Hassan Ayariga Threatens To Sue NPP For Theft Of Manifesto Ideas


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

The All People’s Congress (APC) led by their intellectually bankrupt leader Hassan Ayariga, are threatening to sue the NPP for ‘stealing’ their manifesto ideas.
Ayariga, dubbed ‘Ayarikof’ after his embarrassing performance in the 2012 IEA Presidential debates, has started his party of clowns since he was kicked out for embarrassing the PNC too much, and all they have done this election cycle is level ridiculous accusations at the NPP.

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At 72, Nana Akufo Addo is Still Living in His Dad's House–Hassan Ayariga + He Says He Made His First Million Dollar At Age 24


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

APC’s presidential candidate-Hassan Ayariga is beginning to sound more like a comedian than a politician.
A few hours ago, we reported on how Ayariga went in on Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, whose moniker of ‘adwumawura’ is one of the most recognisable parts of his brand.
According to Hassan, Nduom cannot call himself a job creator just because he has built numerous ‘single room’ banks all across the country.
“[The] PPP flag bearer is going round shouting ‘adwumawura’. You think your single-room banks make you adwumawura?” Hassan wondered.

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Hassan Ayariga Mocks Dr Nduom – Says Building 'Single Room Banks' Does Not Make Him 'Adwumawura'


Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom
Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom

Hassan Ayariga is kicking his campaign into higher gear, and he has set his sights on all Presidential candidates not named John Mahama or Akua Donkor.
The gaffe worthy Presidential candidate of the All People’s Congress (APC), speaking at the presentation of the Party’s Vice Presidential candidate over the weekend, took aim at Dr Nduom, whose moniker of ‘adwumawura’ is one of the most recognisable parts of his brand.

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Hassan Ayariga Says There Are More Armed Robbers In Government Than Among The Ordinary Citizenry


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

Hassan Ayariga is one of the top clowns in Ghana politics, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, as they say.
The founder and leader of the All People’s Congress has passed an uncharacteristically prescient comment on the state of Ghana politics, saying that there are more armed robbers in positions of high authority than out on the street robbing the citizenry.

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Hassan Ayariga Defends His Absurd Theory That Having S*x With A Menstruating Woman Is What Leads To The Conception Of Albinos


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

Founder of the All People’s Congress, Hassan Ayariga, has doubled down on his theory that albinos are conceived by couples who have s*x whilst the woman is menstruating.
Ayariga passed the comments in an interview on Class Fm Tuesday, comments which has since drawn shock and awe from an incredulous population.

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Ghana Politics’ Resident Joker Hassan Ayariga Says Having S*x With A Woman On Her Period Leads To Giving Birth To An Albino


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

You remember this man? The famous ‘Ayarikof’ from  the 2012 elections, when after beating Dr Edward Mahama to become the PNC flagbearer, he went on to completely embarrass the party in the campaign cycle.
Dr Hassan Ayariga has yet to leave the Ghanaian political landscape; after losing the PNC’s flagbearer race for this year’s elections to Dr Mahama, he left to form his own party, the All People Congress (APC).

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Hassan Ayariga Says He Would Have Become One Of The World’s Best Players Had He Pursued His Football Career


Hassan Ayariga
Hassan Ayariga

‘Mr Ayarikof’- Hassan Ayariga became a source of comic relief during the 2012 Presidential elections, and since then he strives very hard to maintain that reputation.
After losing the PNC Presidential candidates race for the 2016 elections to Dr Edward Mahama , he left to form his own party, the All Perople’s Congress (APC). He seems determined to remain a clowning force in Ghana’s political affairs.

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Hassan Ayariga Says He Did Not Take A Bath Before Going To The 56th Independence Day Parade Because There Was NO WATER

Is this not shameful and pathetic that at 56 years as a nation, a whole presidential candidate of a political party (PNC) could not take his bath before attending the 56th Independence Day parade held at the Independence Square on Wednesday? In a shocking revelation, Hassan Ayariga has told the Heritage Newspaper in Accra  that … Read more