
Is Efia Odo Trying To Tell Us She Has Passed Through The Magic Hands Of Dr Obengfo


Moesha has done it, Princess Shyngle did it, Tonto Dikeh glorifies in it— it is obvious Toke Makinwa has done it, even Joselyn Dumas (Yes! because she is the last person any of us imagined would go under the knife for the supposed desired body) so we won’t be any surprised if Efia Odo joins the bandwagon.

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7-Year-Old Boy Suffers From Rare Skin Disorder That Is Turning His Hands And Feet Into "Trees"


1a1ab_optFor a child who may not even know his left from his right to be hit with such a plague is soul wrenching even worst when the uncompassionate poverty has made it literally impossible for parents to render any sort of help to such a child— how sad and unfair can life get for others?.
A 7 year old child from Bangladesh is suffering from a rare skin disease caused by human papillomaviruses, an infection which results in the growth of scaly warts.

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