
"Don't BOOty Call Your Ex, If You Have Died Remain In Your Grave"- Uncle Ebo Whyte


blankNothing could be more painful than knowing that you are nothing more than a bOOty call.I mean knowing you are only called on if and when there is a need for you, how on earth can that be any comforting unless it comes with a lot of good money and of course incredible sex.
Even with that, there still is some tingle of hurt whenever a session is over, whichever way we may want to look at it. I have been there and it is no safe area and I am so sure a lot of people have been there too, I will just place it here.

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Man Repeatedly Vandalizes Grave Of Acquaintance Due To A 56 Year Old Grudge


Graveyard-Vampire-Tattoos-On-Back-1_optWe are often advised to forgive and forget just so we could free our soul from all vindictiveness but a 69 year old, Paul E. Donovan Jr certainly do not share in this, well maybe the forgetting part but not the forgiving bit.
After what seems like forever this ageing man from Phoenixville, Pennsylvania has repeatedly vandalised the grave of the man he claims stole $300 from him over 50 years ago.

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