The wife of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe is facing legal action after being accused of attacking a young woman at a party in South Africa.
The 52-year-old Mrs Grace Mugabe allegedly attacked and beat up 20-year-old Gabriella Engels a model with an extension cord after finding her in a hotel with her two sons, Robert Mugabe Jr, 25, and Chatunga Mugabe, 21.
Grace Mugabe
Mugabe Gifts Sister-In-Law $60,000 As Her Birthday Gift
93-Year-Old Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has been overwhelmingly kind as he gave his sister-in-law $60,000 as a gift for her birthday.
Mugabe’s gift is to thank his sister-in-law for being very helpful to his children.
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Flown To Singapore For A ‘Medical Review’

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe refuses to relinquish control of his nation, even at 93 and in frail health.
The once vibrant freedom fighter is now a shell, propped up by the sycophants who owe their wealth to him and thus remain interested in keeping him in power.
Robert Mugabe Would Contest 2018 Elections Even If He’s Dead – Says Wife Grace Mugabe
The wife of Zimbabwe’s long term leader Robert Mugabe, Grace, has caused quite the stir in her homeland after claiming that her husband would contest elections in 2018 – even if he’s dead!
Grace, speaking to supporters at a rally in Buhera, said that those jockeying for position to replace the 92 year old have to slow down because he’s not going anywhere.
President Mugabe’s Wife-Grace Mugabe is Awarded a PHD Two Months After Enrolment & She Says She Worked Hard for It…

I love Africa and don’t get me wrong; it is not for the green forest which does not exist anymore, but for such absurdity and high level of corruption which comes in different forms.
If our voted for leaders are not taking us for grand fools by taking everything we have while leaving us with nothing, except complaints, they award themselves and their friends with high ranking titles—ranging from, Bishops to Drs.
Gone are the days when having a degree, a masters or a P.hd had any real value in Africa. Today you can easily buy any of these without seeking any help from the Chinese—it is that rampant.
I intend to visit Zimbabwe some day and as such, I cannot overstep my lines with this one since we do not know when Robert Mugabe and his cronies will step down or better still die to give democracy a breathing space and accord the people of Zimbabwe a real right to decide on who should be their leader.
If you thought the rigging of elections is the worse you’ve heard from Zimbabwe, I am sure you’ve not heard about how the Whites are being treated—and now, how the first lady can gain a P.hd, just two months after enrollment. And the Presidency says, she worked so hard for it.
Grace Mugabe (wife of President Robert Mugabe) has graduated with a doctorate degree- Doctor of Philosophy from the flagship University of Zimbabwe where her husband is the chancellor.