
VIDEO: Rosemond Brown aka Akuapem Poloo Grabs A New 'Sugar Daddy'


Rosemond Brown

Ghana’s entertainment industry is surrounded by a lot of slay queens and inherent attention seekers with little or no talent at all. Their only tool or object for being somewhat known or famous is their bodies and sometimes making useless and controversial statements.
One of such people in this our industry is Rosemond Brown popularly referred to as Akuapem Poolo. The ‘Duchess Of Akuapem Land’ honestly has no talent and I do not think anybody will bother himself or herself arguing with me about this assertion.

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VIDEO: Rosemond Brown aka Akuapem Poloo Grabs A New ‘Sugar Daddy’

Rosemond Brown

Ghana’s entertainment industry is surrounded by a lot of slay queens and inherent attention seekers with little or no talent at all. Their only tool or object for being somewhat known or famous is their bodies and sometimes making useless and controversial statements.

One of such people in this our industry is Rosemond Brown popularly referred to as Akuapem Poolo. The ‘Duchess Of Akuapem Land’ honestly has no talent and I do not think anybody will bother himself or herself arguing with me about this assertion.

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PHOTO: Ashawobrity Akuapem Poolo In A Kitchen Stool 'Atopa' Position


Duchess Of Akuapem Land

Ghana’s entertainment industry is surrounded by a lot of ‘slay queens’ and inherent attention seekers with little or no talent at all. Their only tool or object for being somewhat known or famous is their bodies and sometimes making useless and controversial statements.
One of such people in this our industry is Rosemond Brown popularly referred to as Akuapem Poolo. The Duchess Of Akuapem Land honestly has no talent and I do not think anybody will bother himself or herself arguing with me about this assertion.

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PHOTO: Ashawobrity Akuapem Poolo In A Kitchen Stool ‘Atopa’ Position

Duchess Of Akuapem Land

Ghana’s entertainment industry is surrounded by a lot of ‘slay queens’ and inherent attention seekers with little or no talent at all. Their only tool or object for being somewhat known or famous is their bodies and sometimes making useless and controversial statements.

One of such people in this our industry is Rosemond Brown popularly referred to as Akuapem Poolo. The Duchess Of Akuapem Land honestly has no talent and I do not think anybody will bother himself or herself arguing with me about this assertion.

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