As Obrafuor categorically stated on his controversial “Kasiebo” track, ‘music is dynamic’. This is absolutely true as we have observed in the trends of various musical genres, globally.
Focusing entirely on Hip-life, we can attest to the fact that Hip-life as it was back in the days is different from the Hip-life we have now. Lots of transformations have taken place over the previous decades.
In an industry like this, it is expected that the longer the industry exists, the more it progresses in all its aspects. However, this seems otherwise in our music industry when it comes to the issue of content.
Our musicians tend to pay less attention to the contents of their songs and focus mainly on how to churn out hit tracks. It is of no doubt that the quality of lyrical contents in today’s music cannot match that of previous years.
Making a hit track in Ghana has become so easy. What more do I need than a simple single term that will remain on the lips of Ghanaians for some time.
At this point, I totally agree with Asem when he declared in his “Last Filla” track that all that one needs to make a hit track is just a “hot” beat and a hook—-that person has to just sure the hook stays on timing.