First of all, it is highly probably that God exists. On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 meaning God exists and 7 meaning God does not exist—all the existing evidence point to 6, it is highly probable there is God.
Secondly, even if it so happens that God exists or you believe HE does exist, it will be absurd, irrational and utterly displaced of priority to think that God will be interested in 22 men chasing a round object around a pitch in the face of pressing needs such as, countless children dying in Iraq, in Somalia, in Syria and other parts of the world.
All the same, a Ghanaian white gown wearing prophet has come to say, Ghana will beat Portugal tonight—and if it happens, people will say the prophet was right and God exists. However, if it does not happen, same people will say, the prophet is false—this does not mean God does not exist. You can never win with believers on any indicator (after all, it is about faith—believing without evidence)…
Anyway, watch the video below and since the prophesy is favourable to what I want to happen, I will also shout AMEN! Pure nonsense though…