It might not look like it but being a successful ashawobrity is a lot of work. ‘Grinding’ has never been easy and aside that, the hair and make up and boobs and butt operations you need to keep your body in top shape for the sugar daddies to notice is another whole level of work.
Thus it’s not surprising that Moesha Boduong has gone in for butt surgery to keep her backside protruding and interesting to the sugar daddies she needs to pay her rent and buy her fuel.
Ghana Football Awards
(VIDEO) 'You Are Fooling Too Much'; Be Calm And Stay Off Trouble — Shatta Michy Advises "Akuapem Poolo"

It is often said that “Birds of the same feathers flock together” and that is exactly the case of Shatta Michy and Rosemond Brown aka “Akuapem Poolo”.
Shatta Michy and “Akuapem Poolo” have a lot in common and Shatta Michy advising Rosemond Brown aka “Akuapem Poolo” to stay off trouble isn’t too much of a thing to ask for.
First Ever Ghana Football Awards Held Amidst GFA 'Number 12' Turmoil — Asamoah Gyan, Thomas Partey Plus FULL List Of Winners
The first ever edition of the Ghana Football Awards have been held despite the overarching turmoil encircling the whole of Ghana football.
There is no football association, all leagues have been suspended and Ghana risks sanctions from Fifa at this moment.