
French Mother Denied Entry into the United States For Family Holiday Because ‘the Name on Her Passport Sounds Like Al Qaeda’

French passport


It looks like we have to be careful with the names we give to our children or re-access our own given names—if we are going by what recently happened to a French Mother who wanted to travel to the United States…

A French mother scheduled to fly to New York via Switzerland for a holiday with her husband and two children but she was denied entry to the United States, seemingly because her name sounds suspiciously like Al Qaeda.

Aida Alic travelled to at Geneva airport on Wednesday to connect to JFK but shockingly, she was told by Swiss Airlines officials that her access to the country had been denied.

It looks like she was placed on the US no-fly list and she had no option than to cancel their trip and return to their house near Chambery in the French Alps.

It wasn’t until the 33-year-old got home and started googling for answers that she realized her name appears surname first on her passport and reads ‘Alic Aida’.

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