
Policeman Who Assaulted Woman with Kid At Midland Savings and Loans Set Free As Trial Turns ‘Foolish Case’


The police officer who brutally assaulted a woman at Midland Savings and Loans, Lance Corporal Frederick Amanor Skalla, is a free man today after the court hearing the assault case against him threw out the case.

As is typical of our dear nation Ghana, the case has turned into a ‘foolish case’ — and the judge was left with no choice but to discharge the accused without any punitive action.

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Midland Assault Officer Frederick Amanor Appears In Court Today — Pleads Not Guilty


Lance Corporal Frederick Amanor appeared in court for the first time today after the viral video last week which showed him assaulting a lady who had a child with her at Midland Savings and Loans.
The cruel and heartless actions of Amanor led to universal outrage and he was arrested and arraigned before court today, Thursday July 26th 2018.

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