
Sarkodie Finally Speaks After Hiding For Weeks – Checkout His Stance On Fix The Country


Sarkodie has finally broken his silence on the #fixthecountry movement after hiding in his hole for weeks. This is the time Ghanaians need celebrities to be outspoken and stand with the people to demand accountability from their leaders but many celebrities have cowardly gone into hiding. READ ALSO: They Sacked Me Because I Reported their … Read more

#FixtheCountry – NPP Squanders $3m in Ododiodioo in 3 Years to Build 3 Toilets and 1 Borehole – Video


This is why we’re crying for the government to ‘fixthecountry’. A video which has popped up on social media shows exactly why Ghanaians are crying out for change since our politicians are so heartless and corrupt. In the video, a government official is questioned about the $1m per constituency pledge that the President made and … Read more

Efia Odo to Wear Suit and Gown Until Fuel Prices Are Reduced and the Country is Fixed


Actress Efia Odo is fed up with Ghanaians attacking her over her dressing when the country is in such a mess. According to her, since people care so much about what she wears, perhaps she’s going to start dressing in suits and gowns and kaba and slit to see if that will fix the problems … Read more

Celebrities And Co Heap Pressure On The President On Twitter With The Hashtag #FixTheCountry


The hashtag #FixTheCountry has been trending Number one on Twitter in Ghana since morning and here is why. Ghanaian youth and some grown ups are fed up of the increase in taxes, increase in fuel, power outages(dumsor), water shortage, corruption, the high unemployment rate et al and have taken to social media to protest. READ … Read more