
Meet the 11 Female Ghanaian Single Parent Celebrities | Who Continue to Bust their Butts

Ama K Abebrese
Ama K Abebrese

Though it takes two to make a baby, more than often, women are left with children alone as if they made them by themselves—with the fathers kicking it with someone else.
This does not only happen to normal people; the celebrities also suffer in the hands of men or let’s say, in the cold hands of nonworking relationships.
We’ve decided to compile a list of single female Ghanaian celebrities—be it born one or two or three; those who continue to work hard to feed themselves and their children.
It’s tough enough when you are two and therefore you can imagine what these women go through each day alone, catering for their children and handling a shaky career.
Maybe we can look beyond the fact that they are born whatever, and tap into their ability to keep it going.
Flip to the next page for their photos…

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