
Quit Politics and Join EXOPA – Social Media Trolls Mahama After Super Dapper Appearance to Rawlings’ Funeral


Former President John Dramani Mahama has been crowned as the ‘drip lord’ after he appeared at the funeral of J.J Rawlings in the most dapper outfit one can think of. Mahama, who remains the youngest and freshest ex-President of Ghana, came to receive all the ‘fans’ with his killer attire. What even garnered him more … Read more

Readers Mail: Why Is EXOPA-Cocaine Company Still Being Allowed To Operate & Run Ghana Fashion Week?

Exopa Model
Exopa Model

Hi Vincent,

As an avid reader of your blog-GhanaCelebrities.Com, I just stumbled on the image (attached) on facebook and I was so disturbed I had to write to you so you can clarify things with me and your readers, Hasn’t Exopa done enough harmful for the people of Ghana to allow him and his company to be running the disgraceful tacky Ghana fashion week.

It is in the interest of most Ghanaians to question GMA association with Exopa events, having been clear to all Ghanaians the current reasons behind the imprisonment of founder of Exopa Sima Ibrahim.

Just in case GMA has failed to notice, there are a lot of Ghanaians who have morals and yearn for our nation to progress, and our children to grow within a nation where corruption, and greed leading to practices of such behaviour will not be tolerated. This must stop!

Unfortunately, we now have a Media company such as GMA rather fuelling these practices by supporting such companies, which have been clearly known to the nation to have been founded on dirty money and mal practices.

In a law abiding country such as Ghana, where GMA operates, we now have to question why GMA, that runs shows such as BeBold and other “respected programs” supposedly to encourage the youth and Ghanaians, and those in the Diaspora to join in the shaping of our nation, finds it necessary to associate with Exopa or any events under the umbrella name of Exopa.

GMA, is now boldly sending the wrong message to the people of Ghana, and most especially to the youth of tomorrow, that, it is absolutely fine to build a company on Drugs, even when you are caught and imprisoned you can have our support and still run your company while in prison.

GMA might as well host a show and make it clear to the people of Ghana, where their best interest lies. As we find your act offensive to all Ghanaians, the morally good Ghanaians, who wants to see our Country and its future generation appreciate the joys of working hard and building a strong future from your hard labor respectfully and confidently. NOT with DRUGS or COCAINE!

We are fed up of all these misleading and misdirection from such Companies and those who supports them!!! It must stop.

We believe that GMA and it’s decision makers have the foresight and wisdom enough to relate to this issue seriously, and do what it is right for the nation and it’s concerned citizens rather than turning a blind eye for the sake of what exactly???  Or perhaps a beginning of another corruption.

Thanks for reading my piece on the situation, hopefully you can add your thoughts and clarify to all your readers cheers, I was getting excited that this company is coming from abroad to Ghana to fix the Ghana Fashion week business and then I see this image….

Please Investigate who has the legal trademark and who will be leading Ghana fashion industry to international standards.

A concerned Ghanaian Citizen

Ghanaian with style


My Comment:

Hello Ghanaian with a style,

To say EXOPA was fully or somehow founded/established on drug money without any evidence will fetch you a defamatory lawsuit. It is however not unreasonable to make this assumption since the founder/Boss of the company was arrested, charged and convicted for peddling drugs.

In Law (from my study of Company Law), companies have their own legal personalities separated from that of their Directors, Founders or Shareholders.

Based on the above, if a Founder of a company gets into a personal trouble, his trouble does not stretch to the legal personality of the company.

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