
The Reappearing Ex: It’s Not Always About ‘LOVE’ | Exes Are Ex for a Reason!

Black couple Ex


In some relationships, one person is self-centred and the other is best described as the empathetic one. The self-centered one feels he/she is the other person’s ‘last stop’ so they leave and return at will while the empathetic one is ever ready to allow them into their lives again—and again. Most of the reappearing acts are done because of selfish motives or whether we’re returning because we think there might be a real chance at a lasting “we” this time.

The only genuine and rare reason for an ex to reappear is when he/she feels a loss when the relationship ends. Sometimes, (without really realizing), a woman/man can carve out a perfectly round little space in people’s hearts and lives. They experience a great loss and try as they may to fill that round spot he/she left with the square pegs of another woman/man or other women/men, there’s always a certain amount of emptiness that remains. And then they decide to give it another go. All they can do is reappear and hope their spot is still reserved.

Most exes re-appear not because they are in love but because they are addicted to it. They are not comfortable being alone – they love fantasy more than reality. They cannot ‘afford’ to be single for even a month (or less) – they are in love with the idea of (being in) love (someone should be in their life as a sort of validation); so if the other person is still single, they get back together (for now) and when another comes along, they leave. Fortunately for them, the other is ever waiting with open arms. They go and come at will.

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