Ghanaian actress-Emelia Brobbey says, she has repented and as such to hell with the old ways—-she is now a born again and has given her entire life to Jesus Christ. She also says, she will now dedicate her life to God and take keen interest in spreading the word of God.
Can I hear the Church shout AMEN!
After escaping death in a motor accident few weeks ago, Emelie Brobbey seems to have found enough reason to give her life to Jesus Christ and we are happy about her new found direction…
Let’s end this with a quote from 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come”….
According to PeaceFmOnline;
“All to Jesus I surrender, All to him I freely give; I will ever love and trust him, in his presence daily live” is the song presently on Emelia Brobbey’s lips.
The Kumasi based actress has publicly repented and declared that she has given her entire life to serving the Almighty God and spreading the good news.
Emelia who was very emphatic about her new way of life, made this revelation on Sunday March 30 at the Charismatic Evangelistic Ministries (CEM) at North Legon in Accra.
The beautiful actress and mother of two who is not a known member of the church was seen during the church’s first service, early Sunday morning. After the sermon of the day, an altar call was made by the officiating pastor for anybody in the congregation who wants to accept Christ as their Lord and personal saviour to step forward, and actress Emelia was one of the people who stood in front of the church to profess their repentance.
“I was involved in an accident recently in which 17 people died but by the grace of Almighty God I am still alive. I thank God for saving my life from today I have given my life to Christ”, emotional Emelia Brobbey said amidst praises and worship.