
Efia Odo’s Fix the Country Activism Bites her Again As She Loses Ambassadorial Deal with Euro Decor

efia odo loses deal

Decoration company Euro Decor has suspended its contract with Ghanaian actress and political activist Efia Odo, and it all stems from her constant agitation for fix the country. The company sent a letter to Ms Odo, born Andrea Owusu, this week, announcing that they have suspended their contract with her. The contract has been ‘suspended … Read more

Efia Odo Weeps As She Says She Fears for her Life Following Murder of Fix the Country Activist

efia odo fix the country

Actress Efia Odo has cried out after the murder of Fix the country activist Ibrahim Kaaka Mohammed by a mob in Ejura Sekyeredumase. Odo says she’s in fear for her life following the brutal murder of Kaaka in the Ashanti region for daring to go up against the government.. As we reported on Monday, Ibrahim … Read more