After successfully premiering her self-produced movie – ‘When Love Comes Around’ which won two awards at the just ended Ghana Movie Awards, actress Zynnel Zuh is back with an initiative dubbed ‘Celebrity Popcorn Sale.’
On the 10th and 11th of January, 2015 (that is today and tomorrow), Zynnell will be joined by a tall list of Ghanaian celebrities like Adjetey Anang, Tiny, Lydia Forson, Micky Osei Berko, Edward Kuffour, Roselyn Ngissah, etc. to vend popcorn at the Silverbird Cinemas (Accra Mall and West Hills Mall) while taking pictures and interacting with their fans. Her movie, ‘When Love Comes Around’ will simultaneously be screened at the cinema halls for all those who missed out on the day of premiere.
GhanaCelebrities.Com caught up with Zynnell this morning for a brief chat. In the interview, she talked about the current state of the Ghanaian movie industry as well as what inspired her to self-produce her own movies.
When asked about the most ridiculous thing she has ever heard or read about herself, Zynnell had an interesting answer to share – something that you probably would not think of.
Take a seat, relax, and watch the interview below…