
Daddy Lumba Earth Moving Equipment To Kill An Ant Is Not Fair- Mark Okraku On Daddy Lumba And Look Alike's Saga


Daddy Lumba and Anokye Supremo

Mark Okraku has added his two cents to the seeming back and forth court issue between Charles K Fosu otherwise known as Daddy Lumba and Kwame Anokye, the look-alike of Daddy Lumba.
According to Mark, the issue of Lumba’s lookalike impersonating him could easily be solved in the house because the young talent sees in him a role model.

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Why Did God Create Such A Huge Universe To Create Humans Just On Earth – A Plus Wonders

Comedian A Plus

NASA announced Wednesday that they had just found a star with about seven planets within it’s habitable zone – the area within a solar system where scientists believe the conditions necessary for life as we know it to form exists.

With such discoveries, and considering the vastness of the universe – which is big on a scale the human mind just cannot comprehend – it’s inevitable that life could exist somewhere else.

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Afia Schwarzenegger Says She The Best Mum To Walk This Earth And That Is JUST OKAY!


89262991It is a matter of public knowledge that Afia Schwar is a social canker— she has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.
From engaging in a battle of foul language with our supposed men of God to levelling it down to our ministers, she has made a name and built an unattractive reputation for herself.

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The "What Are We" Question AKA The Most Terrifying Question Walking On This Earth


rsz_couple-532015_640_opt“WHAT ARE WE”…? It is surprising that this question is still asked, given the conditions of today’s “hookup” culture. If you are a guy and this rhetoric but self suicidal question has not yet hit your notes then brace yourself because you will be pitching some cacophonous sound on this subject sometime soon. And if you are a lady and this slimy words has still not found the means to slip through your mouth, be patient for it definitely would pass through or cross your mind someday.
If you’re in that awkward more-than-friends-but-less-than-dating stage and have not yet established any sort of relationship, you’re only human if you find yourself worrying, wondering, and talking to your girlfriends about it until they too can no longer take it.

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