
President Rawlings Condemns Attacks on Yvonne Nelson and Her Fellow #DumsorMustStop Cohorts

I don’t know what he’s been eating but these days nobody drops truth bombs in Ghana quite like everybody’s favourite ex-President. Rawlings is one of the only few people in the NDC who’s able to discern reality, and his opinion on the insults that are being raised on Yvonne Nelson and the other celebrities who … Read more

#DumsorMustStop: Ga Traditional Council Says Generators Not Included in Noise-making Ban List

It is pretty obvious some higher powers are doing everything to sabotage the forthcoming Dumsor vigil. First, planned venues to host the vigil are being denied and now the Ga Traditional Traditional Council have petitioned to stop them because they’ve tagged the demonstration as noise-making activity. Now folks are asking if the #DumsorMustStop vigil is … Read more

#DumsorMustStop: Fallout Of Planned Vigil Illustrates Our Shallow Understanding Of Democracy And How That Is Inimical To Our Progress

Ghana colours

Yvonne Nelson might not have intended it but her little campaign has taken off the clean rag covering Ghana politics, exposing its rotten core for the entire world to see.

If there is one thing Ghana likes to pride herself on in Africa, it’s that we have a largely peaceful country and a sufficiently developed democracy. Five successive fairly free and fair elections has given us that reputation.

But in essence, Ghana’s burgeoning reputation comes from being a one-eyed man in the land of the blind. Certainly you can make a case for our peacefulness (although I attribute it pretty much to cowardice and ‘fama nyame’ syndrome), but extrapolating from our elections that we are a democratic nation seems illusory. Certainly if the tenets of democracy being applied in governance is what makes a nation democratic we’re going about it all wrong.

Because the perfect image just hides a core of deep partisanship, tribalism, and other deeply dividing lines that ensure we’ll almost never be one people. If there is one thing that should unite all Ghanaians, it is the suffering dumsor has wrought on us the past few years. Yet we have shown, leaders and citizenship alike, that our political differences far outweigh any need for truth and honesty in public discourse.

In discussions of the planned vigil, people always come in with their preconceived notions. Supporters of the NDC call the planners and supporters of the vigil all sorts of names, despite the fact they’re smack dab in the middle of the suffering caused by dumsor and feel it just as keenly as the next man.

We feel that our political affiliation should dictate the position we take on issues, not trivial considerations like honesty and accountability. If you’re feeling reluctant to take any action and others feel the need to take it too, all it earns them are name-calling and shameful insults.

In truly democratic nations people analyse issues based on how it would affect them, not what party colour they’ve tied themselves to. Sure they have their biases and such, but you do not see this dogged attachment to partisanship that colours everything as we see down here.

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#DumsorMustStop: Ga Traditional Council Petitions Police To Halt Planned Vigil Claiming It Would Interrupt Ban On Drumming And Noise Making

Dumsor Must Stop
Dumsor Must Stop

Somehow it looks like all the stars are aligning to stop the #dumsormuststop demonstration, with obstacle after obstacle just popping out of nowhere.

The ones about venue are somewhat understandable, but this latest request from the Ga Traditional Council seems bizarre. According to myjoyonline, they have petitioned the Greater Accra Regional Police Command to halt the upcoming vigil.

The reason is that the vigil would not conform with the ban on drumming and noisemaking, which is implemented every year in anticipation of the Homowo festival.

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#DumsorMustStop Has Become A Cheap Social Media Campaign Being Championed By Celebrities Comfortably From their Bedrooms | Get Out There & Mount Unending Protests

Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson

First of all, let me commend Yvonne Nelson for starting the hashtag #DumsorMustStop on social media. Every celebrity who has used it so far has advanced the cause. It took them really long to realize this was needed but at least it’s here—and it has been done.

Now, let’s dig into social media campaigns and why they are so important but useless and pretty ineffective, especially when you are dealing with governments like that of Ghana, led by a dead goat.

All over the world, so many campaigns have started on social media with specific hashtags or have been brought to social media to create further awareness and pull in the crowd. Such hashtags are particularly great at getting the attention of the big media brands—and we’ve already seen the BBC World Service having picked up on Yvonne Nelson’s #DumsorMustStop.

However, the truth remains that, running a hashtag from the comfort of your bedroom or watching a generator powered TV while tweeting is easy and everyone can do that—some even tweet while on the toilet. It’s pretty cheap and cheap methods achieve nothing substantial.

If indeed the so many celebrities who have jumped on the bandwagon are serious about making sure that Dumsor stops within the shortest possible time, the pressure to be mounted on the government must be proportionate to the damage this power crisis is causing. Social media campaigns alone do not have the needed force for this. It’s good for pulling in the crowd but even that, considering the low number of Ghanaians connected to the internet, this tool wouldn’t be at its best in pulling people.

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