
Dear GC Readers, I was Dumped A Day Before My Wedding In UK & Now He Wants Me Back…Totally Confused!

Dear GC,
Just 6 months ago I can honestly say I was depressed and heartbroken after being jilted the day before my wedding day. I was so happy and confident on that day and I had no idea that could happen to me. I had been with my now ex for almost 4 years when he proposed to me.
I was so happy and had been hoping for this day to come as I loved him so much. The two families really came together to support us and arrange the wedding. He said he did not want a long engagement and so after the proposal we set a date.
I was wondering why the hurry as I was not expecting to walk down the aisle so soon after he proposed. As he insisted a date was set for three months after, I worked like a mad woman with my bridesmaids and family to arrange our wedding.
I guess I should have seen some signs as he didn’t get so involved in the preparation but my friend said this is normal and most men do not get involved in arranging and just got on with the planning and I had help so I didn’t feel too bad.
When my ex fiancée called me the night before the wedding to say he had travelled to Manchester where his best man lives and he cannot go through with the wedding, I actually dropped to the floor with the phone still in my hand. I didn’t cry until I was alone at night though my mum insisted I come back to their house instead of staying at the hotel.
I think she was scared of what I would do as she kept checking on me.  I cannot describe the heartbreak and the embarrassment of having to tell my family and bridesmaids. I refused to contact his family initially as I was too upset.
All this happened three months ago now, at the time he refused to pick my calls or speak to my people. Now last week he came to my work place and begged to speak with me. I didn’t want to speak to him because even though it’s been that many months I was still very upset.
After he pleaded I gave in as I also wanted to know why he could do that to me. He explained that he was put under pressure by his family and though he loved me he was not ready to marry me as he had just finished his masters and trying to establish his business.

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Dear GC Readers, I was Dumped A Day Before My Wedding In UK & Now He Wants Me Back…Totally Confused!


Dear GC,

Just 6 months ago I can honestly say I was depressed and heartbroken after being jilted the day before my wedding day. I was so happy and confident on that day and I had no idea that could happen to me. I had been with my now ex for almost 4 years when he proposed to me.

I was so happy and had been hoping for this day to come as I loved him so much. The two families really came together to support us and arrange the wedding. He said he did not want a long engagement and so after the proposal we set a date.

I was wondering why the hurry as I was not expecting to walk down the aisle so soon after he proposed. As he insisted a date was set for three months after, I worked like a mad woman with my bridesmaids and family to arrange our wedding.

I guess I should have seen some signs as he didn’t get so involved in the preparation but my friend said this is normal and most men do not get involved in arranging and just got on with the planning and I had help so I didn’t feel too bad.

When my ex fiancée called me the night before the wedding to say he had travelled to Manchester where his best man lives and he cannot go through with the wedding, I actually dropped to the floor with the phone still in my hand. I didn’t cry until I was alone at night though my mum insisted I come back to their house instead of staying at the hotel.

I think she was scared of what I would do as she kept checking on me.  I cannot describe the heartbreak and the embarrassment of having to tell my family and bridesmaids. I refused to contact his family initially as I was too upset.

All this happened three months ago now, at the time he refused to pick my calls or speak to my people. Now last week he came to my work place and begged to speak with me. I didn’t want to speak to him because even though it’s been that many months I was still very upset.

After he pleaded I gave in as I also wanted to know why he could do that to me. He explained that he was put under pressure by his family and though he loved me he was not ready to marry me as he had just finished his masters and trying to establish his business.

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