Several people have commented since the above photo appeared on social media, said to be a grave yard edifice built by the former COCOBOD’s CEO Dr. Opuni for his late mother.
While many have said it’s his or family’s money and they are at will to decide however they want to use it in response to those slamming Opuni, the Founding Editor of GhanaCelebrities.Com, Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri has added his voice.
According to Christopher, this is not human and this is not civilisation.
In a Facebook post, he said:
“I really didn’t want to comment on this but the comments I have come across from my previous post in relation to this picture are extensively repugnant–and as usual clothed in what’s the fountainhead of our problems, politics.
No one is saying Dr Opuni used state’s money to erect this offensively ridiculous grave edifice for his dead mother and neither has anyone claimed that he is the only wealthy individual in his family.
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