
Dr. Fexlix Anyah of Holy Trinity: When True Excellence Far Surpasses the Talk | His Honours Before My Lens

Dr Felix Anyah & Holy Trinity
Dr Felix Anyah & Holy Trinity

Dr. Felix Anyah can reside among us without anyone noticing him: despite being a true celebrity in every essence of the word, his calm and unassuming nature mostly place him in the conversation as a person without a noble a rank.

While some celebrities bear the title because of an existing façade, Dr. Felix Anyah somewhat lives behind a veil, in spite of his numerous achievements, honours and prominence in medicine.

He is the Chief Executive Officer of Holy Trinity Medical Centre, and also the brain and strength behind the continent’s unique Holy Trinity Spa & Health Farm, Holy Trinity Resort and Holy Trinity Golf Course & Spa at Sogakope—from the first thought to what they stand for today.

The above, a remarkable accomplishment, is an infinitesimal component of the true account and achievements of Dr. Felix Anyah—when it comes to his area of practice.

During my recent visit to the matchless Holy Trinity Spa & Health Farm in the Volta Region of Ghana, a display of a fraction of Dr. Felix Anyah and Holy Trinity Spa & Health Farm’s honours at the reception area caught my attention; so I asked for permission to capture them in photos.

It’s incredible: one man and his work stand for all these—and even more, as these were just a small percentage of his tall list of honours in appreciation of his excellent service and immeasurable contribution to medicine in Ghana, and beyond.

Dr. Felix Anyah

That’s a man worth celebration; the quintessence of medical superiority in Africa.

Currently, Dr. Felix Anyah is also the Chairman of Ghana’s Health Facilities Regulatory Agency and a prominent member of the Ghana Medical & Dental Council (6th and 7th Council).

Find below the honours before my lens…          

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