Comedian Funny Face is deep in the Valentine’s spirit as he sent out lovely message of love to his soon to be wife.
Funny Face extolled the virtues of his new fiancee, praising her for making him believe that ‘faithful women still exists’.
Prophet Alex Armstrong, head pastor of Potters Family Chapel, has shared a powerful prophecy about Ghanaian comedian Funny Face during his Morning Dew program, urging prayers for his safety and well-being. In a video shared by comedian DKB, the prophet disclosed a vision and prayed for Funny Face, declaring divine protection over his life. In … Read more
Comedian Funny Face is deep in the Valentine’s spirit as he sent out lovely message of love to his soon to be wife.
Funny Face extolled the virtues of his new fiancee, praising her for making him believe that ‘faithful women still exists’.
Ghanaian comedian-Funny Face will be a special appearing guest at Lydia Forson’s latest movie-A Letter From Adam‘s London premiere, taking place at the Greenwich Odeon Cinema tonight (Friday, March 20, 9:30pm)—and so GhanaCelebrities.Com caught up with him a few days ago on set for a chit chat, about the movie and other interesting issues…
Funny Face who was busy filling his stomach and mouth with some rice and stew talked to us about his most embarrassing moment in life—letting us in on how some Rastafarians beat the hell out of him at Labadi Beach some years back.
He also talked about the state of comedy in Ghana, why Londonders should come out tonight to see “A Letter From Adam“, his kind of comedy and other interesting things.
Of course it’s Funny Face—and as such, the whole interview was funny. Dude was really hungry and couldn’t even wait for the interview to be over…
For tonight’s ‘A Letter From Adam‘ premiere, you can purchase tickets via http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-letter-from-adam-uk-premiere-tickets-15835541531
‘A Letter from Adam‘ is described as “a contemporary story about love, loss and hope which draws audiences into a realistic cycle of life seen through the pain of loss, the journey of self discovery and the courage and strength to find hope in the face of adversity.”
‘A Letter from Adam‘ which is set in the busy yet simple city of Accra seeks to give the audience an often neglected truth about love — that love doesn’t always come in the form one often expects it to.
The movie features Lydia Forson, Wale Ojo, Naa Ashokor Mensah Doku, Akorfa Edjeani, Albert Jackson, Fred Kanebi and introducing Jeff Kumordzie and Louie Lartey. ‘A Letter from Adam‘ is directed by Atlanta-based Ghanaian-Sam Kessie and produced by Lydia Forson.
Watch our the interview below…