Is there anything wrong with flaunting your own wealth, to bury your own mother – even if your fellow countrymen are suffering in a country run into the ground by people like yourself?
Some say yes, some say no – that’s the beauty of the Ghanaian discourse.
I am sure by now you are aware I am currently at Cannes (courtesy of Ghana Movie Awards) to experience the 66th Cannes Film Festival and report on interested issues-first hand report. Can I make that big boastful claim as the first African blogger (that is too huge so let me narrow it down to … Read more
I sat down with Higreen of GhanaCelebrities.Com and Ameyaw Debrah of AmeyawDebrah.Com (who is currently catching fun with me out here in the UK) to record the 2nd episode of THE RUN UP SHOW yesterday… As Ghanaian Entertainment enthusiasts and bloggers/writers with entrenched amusing opinions, we decided to use the show to discuss and close the recent … Read more
I sat down with Higreen of GhanaCelebrities.Com and Ameyaw Debrah of AmeyawDebrah.Com (who is currently catching fun with me out here in the UK) to record the 2nd episode of THE RUN UP SHOW yesterday… As Ghanaian Entertainment enthusiasts and bloggers/writers with entrenched amusing opinions, we decided to use the show to discuss and close the recent … Read more
Last Thursday (7th June, 2012), I had a phone called from Peace Fm (second time of being on there) to throw more light and substantiate on my recent article in which I mentioned that, Eazzy has been used or exploited by certain individuals around her for the benefit of Keitta, who is desperately looking for … Read more
I hate snow and the video below should tell you why I so much hate snow….Ameyaw Debrah is visiting from Ghana and as usual, JJCs (Johnny Just Come) have cameras holding them even if they are sleeping…LOL His camera captured the laughable fall this morning…Who can I sue for some damages? The council or God? … Read more
A loyal GC reader ‘Miyagi’ just sent me a link to the article below written by Joy Ocloo, an incredible loud mouth from Leila Djansi’s camp on a Nigerian website.
The article suggests inter alia that, there is some sort of animosity between Leila Djansi and ‘myself’ plus probably GC and its readers are part of why Nia Long could not make it for their movie. I thought this story was long dead…
In fact, I have moved on and I am enjoying my blogging life. I do not have time to host any sort of animosity for anyone so if Joy Ocloo is saying this, then maybe it is her and Leila Djansi that have gotten an inside for me.
This is a complete bullshyt, why would I care? I am stating it firmly here that, those in Leila Djansi’s camp thinking there is an animosity should get over it and take some chill pill because I am focusing and have no time!
Read what Leila Djansi’s unofficial PR wrote about me and GC
After years of blogging about Celebrities, I have come to realize that by default, celebrities are like computer programmes, they function in certain ways as told to do and would not under any certain terms deviate from their refined acts.
However, good company, good conversation and a little alcohol does wonders such as defiling the default programmed mindset and behaviour of celebrities, it seems to be the only mechanism to get actress Yvonne Okoro to stand up in the middle of a restaurant and laugh out hard as if she was on some LSD.
The dinner with the stars and crew of ‘Adams Apples’ together with a ticket winner from GhanaCelebrities.Com and her guest took place yesterday at a posh Bayswater restaurant.
The stunningly dressed persons who made it to the dinner were all seated at about 8pm with giggles and little chit chats amongst ourselves. The default programme was working at this stage; everybody was being ‘classy’ and low toned.
About 18 people (celebrities and non celebrities) gathered around two tables with different variety of tasteful Chinese food spinning around for everyone to dish whatever he or she wants.