
Soon Child P*rn*graphy Will Be A Norm in Nigeria—Caroline Danjuma Warns

Caroline Danjuma and Cynthia Morgan
Caroline Danjuma and Cynthia Morgan

Nollywood actress, Caroline Danjuma has warn child protection agencies in Nigeria to take a closer look at how some celebrities hide behind art—and infringe on the right of children in the country.

Caroline made the statement on her instagram page after she saw Nigerian dancehall art Cynthia Morgan posing with a baby whilst smoking. The photo in which Caroline Danjuma is perturb about it, is said to be use as a promotional material for Cynthia Morgan’s latest single titled “Baby Mama”.

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The Failure Of A Nation Starts From Our Homes–Caroline Danjuma

Caroline Danjuma
Caroline Danjuma

“Train up a child in the way he should grow, And when he is old he will not depart from it,” according to Proverbs 22:6.

Nollywood actress and film director, Caroline Danjuma, has called on parents to give good training to their children for them to become good future leaders.

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