
Taylor Swift Has Created A Monster : Calvin Harris 'Pulls A Taylor Swift' On Her In New Single

taylor-swift-calvin-harrisIf you are a fan of Taylor Swift, then you must have noticed that she is often the one who runs the show. After a breakup , Miss Tay almost always has a song to do about one ex who broke her heart but this time it looks like she has been beaten to her own game— the hunter has finally been hunted down.
Calvin Harris has dropped his new single My Way – and many fans think it’s sending a clear message to Taylor Swift .

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Calvin Harris Says He Will Never Date Celebrities Again


After being dumped by Taylor Swift in their high profile relationship, Calvin Harris says he is absolutely done dating fellow celebrities. According to TMZ, sources close to Harris say he can’t date celebs anymore because they are all narcissistic. He now prefers normal lowkey chicks to these self-centered famous girls. The source added that Calvin … Read more

Calvin Harris Unfollows Taylor Swift and Deletes Every Photo of Her After Pics of Her Kissing Tom Hiddleston Emerge


Calvin Harris has no chill but I understand his frustration. What Taylor did was absolutely awful to say the least.  You break up with your boo of 15 months and a week later you’ve rebounded? It seems her vajajay can’t take one D for a longtime and has to keep changing the D’s like clothes. … Read more