
Afia Schwarzenegger Hits Back At Bobrisky For Calling Her A UGLY, Jobless Motherf*cker



Afia Shchwarzenegger has hit back at Nigerian barbie Bobrisky, asking him to bleach his brain and other harsh insults, after the latter went after her on social media on Monday.

In a post on Instagram, Afia shared one of Bobrisky’s insults against her and hit back in typical fashion.

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Afia Schwarzenegger is UGLY, Jobless And A MotherF**ker–Says Bobrisky

Afia Schwarzenegger

Afia Schwarzenegger has been on the neck of Nigerian SnapChat star-Bobrisky known for his expensive lifestyle which he flaunts on social media. And Bobrisky has hit back at the loudmouth Ghanaian, telling her straight up what kind of motherfucker she is.

Bobrisky claims Afia Schwarzenegger has been talking trash about him–something Afia Schwarzenegger does a lot to a lot of people.

And for this, the Nigerian sent Afia’s way a bunch of insults, saying, she’s an ugly jobless motherfucker among other things using her SnapChat. 

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