Everyone knows who Bill Cosby is. There can be no doubt the groundbreaking nature of the Cosby Show that run with the affable comedian as its titular character.
Within the past month alone, about nine women have come out to relate stories of sexual assault suffered at the hands of Mr. Cosby. The increasingly scary stories paint the picture of a predator who has no regard for consequence and delights in asserting dominance over those he violates.
And this latest wave is not appearing in a vacuum. In 2005 a similar case was being built against the comedian, which had the appearance of a class action. Though with one plaintiff, they had lined up 13 anonymous women, all of whom were prepared to testify under oath to suffering abuse at the hands of Cosby. The case was abruptly settled in November 2005. There have been numerous allegations also, though no serious trial has ever emanated from any of these instances.
The cast of accusers this time round is a varied one, from celebrities to lowlife nobodies, but all of whom have one story in common. The dates of the encounters also vary hugely enough for the deduction to be made, if true, of a systematic, probably pathological disorder.
Within all these the comedian himself has kept quiet as an avalanche sweeps over his life. Recent projects with NBC and Netflix has both been cancelled, he had two late night talk show appearances also cancelled within the period the allegations surfaced. He also got asked about it during an interview, but he shrugged off the question saying he does not talk about it.
So what exactly is going on here? Do we have on our hands a seemingly loveable man whose calm exterior hides a nasty core, a true Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Or do we have a question of a victim of circumstance, people seeking to cash in on the inevitable media and public brouhaha surrounding such a shocking story?