Social media erupted with photos Sunday of a former president and a current music megastar chatting and laughing during a music festival in Philadelphia.
Former President Bill Clinton made a surprise visit to Jay-Z’s annual Made in America music festival to promote voter registration during the final push to Election Day.
Bill Clinton
VIDEO: Lovely Behind The Scenes Video Of Democratic National Convention Released – Footage Includes Obama Nodding Along To Eminem
The Democratic National Convention was recently held in Philadelphia, at the end of which history was made with the nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton as the first female nominee for any of the country’s major parties.
The convention was a star studded high class event that featured the best the party had to offer – including President and Veep Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Hillary’s husband and former President Bill, vanquished primary foe Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Kaine, and both Hillary and Sanders’ celebrity posses.