
READERS’ MAIL: Being Gay Is Never A Natural Feeling But An Evil Desire We Must Detest

Gay Couple kissing

Dear Chris,

Hope you are doing well by the grace of God. It is my wish that you will give my letter an equal attention and publication just as you have given to the Ernest who claim to be born a gay.

First of all let’s look at it this way, there has never been any fact that scientist have proof that homosexual is an in-born thing. Much of our media sources today assume the question of homosexual being an in-born is a solved scientific problem with all the evidence pointing toward a biological (probably genetic) basis for a homosexual orientation.

Contrary to this perception, the question has been poorly studied (or studied poorly), although there maybe some evidence on sides of question as Ernest is claiming to be one (a proof). In addition, many of the initial studies, which were highly touted by the media or advocates  as “proof” for a biological basis for homosexuality, have been contradicted by later, more thorough studies.

In his submission he points some locations where he knew people who are in the same shoe as him but I want to lament that it is a fallacy, as says best in a proverb that “only a lying man who claims his only witness lives abroad”.

If what Ernest is assuming or saying about himself is true then he does not need another person to proof he is right because his is at best his witness. All he need is his doctor’s report and the credibility of the doctor and for the doctor to accept having done the test on him.  Let us assume for the sake of argument that some people are born homosexual.

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