Weddings these days are a big deal and a lot of things go into it. From popping the big question to choosing colours and venue through to the pre-wedding photos, the list is limitless.
Bobrisky Would Definitely Get The Masses Blind With This Colour Of Hair She Is Sporting
We are not throwing shade or anything but is it too hard for people to be less loud with what they put on their heads as hair and things they put on as clothes? READ ALSO: Counsellor Lutterodt Should Consider Taking A Closer Look At His Closet And Stop With The Noise Making The only … Read more
WATCH The Male Barbie, Bobrisky Twerks It Out Loud – Nothing Like You Have Seen Before
You can hate the self-acclaimed male Barbie, Bobrisky all you want but he (I don’t know if that is the right pronoun to define him even) seem to be living in his own magical world.
He says all he wants is to remain beautiful and need a good friend, whether male or female that he (Bobrisky) can be himself around. Adding that he seldom keeps friends as they tend to be jealous at a point.
Watch The Very Moment The Male Barbie, Bobrisky Met With Nana Tornado
This certainly is BROMANCE goals— the very moment when the self-acclaimed Male Barbie, Bobrisky and Ghana’s very own finest ( you can roll eyes and hate all you want), Nana Tornado met.
Bobrisky made news when he said he was coming to Ghana to meet his fans, whoever those fans are, we are not even about to burden ourselves with.
Borisky who seems like he buys a lot of his interesting attires using new look discount codes online indeed came to Ghana.
The Male Barbie, Bobrisky Is In Ghana Already Per His Post – Ready To Meet With His Fans
When Bobrisky posted a picture of himself on his Instagram page a day ago with the caption “Off to d airport Bye Nigeria ??”— we did not know he was headed to Ghana.
The news flew out on Bob’s visit to Ghana to meet with his fans some days ago— the question that a lot of social media folks have been asking is what is it about him, who is he that he has to come to the country to meet with his supposed fans. Perhaps there is another reason we are not being told.
Male Barbie, BOBRISKY Says He Would Cry His Faggot Mind Out If Bae Breaks Up With Him
When it comes to Bobrisky, all one is likely to do is to roll their eyes and pass a giggle—man is one funny character and honest too from what it looks like.
Our very own male Barbie says he would weep to no end if and when bae breaks up him. Yes!, the mysterious bae we have all been wanting to see.