
Ain’t This A SCAM! Chairman of the Pentecostal And Charismatic Council Calls For Pastors To Get Bodyguards In The Wake Of Tema Pastor’s Murder


How can a pastor selling you a relationship with an all-powerful being capable of doing everything, including protecting you, successfully sell you the story that they need personal bodyguards for protection?

If God is the most powerful being of all time, and he can do anything you want, why can’t he protect his own children, as Chris-Vincent asks in this highly controversial piece getting under the skin of Christians?

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‘He Has Killed A Pastor, We Have To Kill Him Too’ — How Irate Mob Nearly Lynched The Man Who Stabbed A Pastor


Over the weekend Ghana nearly witnessed a repeat of mob justice when a man stabbed a pastor to death and was apprehended by some residents of the area.

The victim, as we’ve reported, was a pastor of the Assemblies of God church in Tema Community 4, and his killer was his own nephew, who was convinced that the pastor was a fake man of God using ‘juju’ to kill his family and church members.

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