Starting some three to five years ago, there was a sudden competition among my peer group. A sudden keen race to see who will outdo the other—the competition of marriage. Everyone was announcing their wedding dates with excitement. It was the ultimate endorsement. Better than a job, school or any purpose.
Fast-forward to a few years ahead and ninety percent of them have loudly or quietly divorced. Some shameless enough to go through ugly court battles, custody struggles and paternity tests.
What happened to the love? The love they picked themselves and proclaimed to stand by.
I personally think the youth of today have lost track when it comes to truly loving and being with someone. And as I was discussing this sad trend with my mother about all these stories, she said one thing that has gotten me thinking for many days.
She said arranged marriages were the best thing that ever happened to the youth because most are simply clueless and marry for the wrong reasons. So I said mummy, BUT WE HAVE TO LOVE OUR PARTNERS!!
And she said “that’s where you are wrong, love grows!’”
Then she told me an old story of our neighbour who lives three houses to the left right on our lane, Auntie Gifty. She said you see how auntie Gifty lives happily with her husband after 36 years of marriage? And she loves him with her life but if I tell you she never loved that man when she married him will you believe me?