Actress- Sonia Braga has aged gracefully and playing a woman around her real age in Kleber Mendonça Filho’s latest film-‘Aquarius’ must have demanded a little to no effort—her flawless performance suggests nothing more than a woman at ease with herself and her role.
‘Aquarius’ isn’t only a strong plus for Sonia Braga, Kleber Mendonça Filho may have taken chances with his running time and slow pace but the brilliance of the two is such that, you wouldn’t realize the film runs for over two hours.
It’s a typical Brazilian movie; and it captures the breath of the sea as much as the neighborhood activities—the awful Brazilian class system entrenched on the back of skin color was touched on and the widespread case of nepotism; where almost every business is filled with close friends and family was also not left out of reach.
But the above were not the focus of Filho’s exploration or attack—the film is heavily seated on the connection between an individual and her home, a situation where every item surrounding her has a unique story to tell about her life’s journey.
Divided into three parts; the film starts with a beach scene featuring a far younger Clara (played by Bárbara Colen) in a car, blasting out “Another One Bites the Dust” in 1980. At this stage, Clara’s love and probable obsession with good music is being laid out.