The Castro and Janet Bandu disappearance has seen many faces and developments—but what we know for a fact is; the two have still not been found—either dead or alive.
Few weeks ago, a certain legal practitioner based in Accra-Lawyer Maurice Ampaw caught the attention of many Ghanaians through his airwaves dominance, leading the talk on the Castro and Janet Bandu issue.
Apart from accusing Asamoah Gyan of knowing more than he seems to portray, the lawyer said he knew the whereabouts of Castro and by September ending, he would let us all know the hard truth.
Many Ghanaians including comedian/musician-Aplus had issues with lawyer Ampaw, ranging from his ethics to his spread of what these people considered as falsehood.
Today is the 10th of October and lawyer-Ampaw has still not presented the evidence he promised us—the evidence he spoke about relentlessly on radio and various platforms.
Aplus therefore has written a long message; addressing who he thinks lawyer-Ampaw is and the issues he has and has always had with Ampaw…
Read it below (unedited)…
Today is Friday, the 10th day of October and the last time I’m writing about the disappearance of Castro and Janet. Some people have sent me inbox messages asking me to forget about Lawyer Maurice Ampaw and the Castro saga. I’m very sorry I’d have to disappoint you one more time and promise that this is the last time I will write about it if Lawyer Ampaw will do the honorable thing.
The reason why I have issues with Lawyer Maurice Ampaw is that, as a well letter man, he failed to understand and apply the simple English word “PROCEDURE.” Lawyer Ampaw’s discrediting of the work of the entire Ghana Police Service which had spent days investigating the mysterious disappearance in a rush to make selfish attention seeking capital out of this unfortunate incident is totally unacceptable.