Actress Priscilla Opoku Agyemang, also known as Ahuofe Patri, has reached into her mystical side and declared, confidently, that ‘2017 definitely gonna be a good year’
The actress shared a marvelous photo on Instagram showing her with a crystal ball in hand and making the bold declaration.
Kalybos showed off some of his non-existent dance moves in a video aimed at getting some big names, including John Dumelo, into taking the latest online ‘challenge’ fad. The actor shared the video on his wall, showing Kalybos introducing himself and the Benjamins Hot Chocolate drink and dance challenge.
Actress Priscilla Opoku Agyemang is as known for her short hair as she is for her moniker Ahuofe Patri. In recent times she occassionally experiments with other hair styles and one in particular she just posted online is on another level.
Kofas Media, producers of the much anticipated movie, Amakye & Dede, has officially released two artworks of the upcoming movie. Amakye & Dede has been described by the producers as the official Easter movie. It’s a romantic comedy movie that tells the story about two best friends who fall in love with the same girl. Their great friendship is put to test as they both embark on separate journeys to win the love of that one girl.
Deloris Frimpong Manso aka Delay called out actress Ahuofe Patri on Wednesday for ‘stealing’ her name, ‘Cocoa Brown’. “Your name is ahuofe Patri please ?,” the Delay Show host slammed the Kumawood actress for captioning an Instagram photo, “My name Cocoa Brown”. Y Fm presenter Caroline Sampson, who seems a bit tired of Delay’s bitchy … Read more
Ahuofe Patri who has become some sort of celebrity—courtesy YouTube and the Boys Kasa short comedy videos, donated several items to children admitted to the At Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital on her birthday.
Surely, it’s good that Ahoufe Patri has recognised the need to give back in her little way to society as a rising star—something most of our celebrities seem to be doing on an annual basis.
Together, we can put smile on the face of the poor and the needy!
Check below for photos from Ahoufe Patri’s donations…