The heart is the central point of our being. It is the main organ in the body that supplies to other parts of the body. When it packs up, the body/being doesn’t function properly or again. Although we lack the power to change some risk factors — such as family history, sex or age — there are some key heart disease prevention steps we can take to keep our hearts healthy.
We have the power to reduce the cow foot/leg and ‘shakis’ (intestines) in our soups and stews. All these appealing ‘meat’ is full of saturated fat and comes chiefly from animal food products. Saturated fat tends to raise the level of cholesterol in the blood. It makes the food rich but in the long run, it is not very healthy for us. A pot belly is neither a sign of wealth nor good living. It is a sign of bad health manifesting through the waist line.
Bingeing on alcohol is not very good for the heart. Moderate consumption of alcohol has its benefits. It can raise your good cholesterol levels, reduce blood clot formation, and help prevent artery damage. Too much intake is a good recipe for disaster.