I am one of the many contemporary women who careless about morality for the reason that, women should not be expected to be moral gods while men live whatever life they want.
If morality is so important, then it should apply to everyone—not just women and women should not be expected to do anything than men wouldn’t be expected to do.
On the moral ladder, many even think women shouldn’t drink, smoke or want to kiss a man on just meeting the person—yet men are allowed to do all these things without any prejudice or judgment. Do not get me upset by arguing that men are superior human beings or something like that with such distorted moral expectations.
As a GhanaCelebrities.Com contributor and reader, I came across a readers’ mail titled “Are The Ladies in the KKD Alleged Rape Case Naive Or DUMB?’ and pathetically, it was written by a woman who thinks the moral standards or stupidity of the KKD rape victim matter…
Any argument along the lines that, she should have known better by not following KKD into the hotel room or a woman should have known better not to accept drinks or kiss from a stranger translate into; the fact that a woman is morally corrupt (does not care about certain moral standards) means a man has the RIGHT to violate her integrity by raping her.