There’s a lot of tragedy to go around this morning, terrible news that should make any Ghanaian weak at the knees. And we have to mourn, indeed, but most of all we have to call out our leaders who have massively failed us and have led us down this path.
Because we classify the huge rainy season in Ghana as June/July, today is fourth June. Imagine if the pattern of most years would follow; that means the devastation we would have to deal with by the end of July would be unimaginable- so let’s all rather hope it does not follow.
But I digress, despite everything that has happened, the fire, floods, that all illustrate what we know most about the lethargy of so-called leaders in Ghana, it is my own little experience last night I would take to illustrate my point.
Now Labadi did not flood to a 10th of the degree as most flood prone areas, but where the flooding occurred is what concisely illustrated our march as a people towards certain doom.
By an incredible twist of fate I’ll not go into, I did not use my normal route to the house last night. I rather found myself at 37, and took that road that runs by Burma Camp and then Palm Wine to T-Junction before joining the main Teshie Nungua to Accra road. Those familiar with Accra geography would easily know this road.
They’ll also know that quite recently a huge renovation was carried out to expand the road, from T-Junction all the way to the Burma Camp area. It’s virtually a new road, and I remember the amount of demolition of nearby structures they had to do to get a wide enough space to construct the dual road they wanted.