The hip life duo of Ulrich Addy (Red Eye) and Richard Oguns (Ogunskele) who make up 2toff have released yet another song I’m Sorry featuring Nana Ama MacBrown. According the duo who has three albums to their credit, their latest, I’m Sorry will take Ghana by storm especially bringing Nana Ama MacBrwon on board.
Asked why they went in for Nana Ama MacBrown and not Efya, Irene, Becca or any other female artist who are already making it big, 2 Toff said Nana Ama MacBrown can be considered as one of the best female musician even though she has not declared her intentions to sing yet.
“We realised Nana Ama MacBrown has a very good voice after we listening to her on few occasions, her voice is perfect that is why we featured her on our new single” according to 2Toff.
Their latest I’m Sorry which is set to be released next week was recorded, mixed and mastered at 2 Toff studios.