It’s bad enough to have to lose anyone you care about to those barbaric terrorists, losing six in one fell swoop must be a special kind of hell.
The world was shocked during the week when a man in a truck run into gathered crowds during the French celebration of Bastille.
Out of Box Story
A Mexican Reporter Is Fired After She Was Photographed Being Carried Through A Flood – Presumably So She Wouldn’t Get Her Heels Wet
Wow. People get fired for all sorts of reasons but this has to be up there with the strangest of all time.
I don’t know what the station expected her to do, walk through the flood water with her expensive shoes? I doubt they would have agreed to replace them if they had gotten damaged!
Khaleesi Is One Of The Top Baby Names Of 2016 – Game Of Thrones Inspired Name Claims 48th Position On 100 Name List
People love naming their children after the trending characters of the day, it’s a time honoured tradition in the United States and most places across the globe, highlighting the massive influence of popular culture.
The website is one of the biggest globally for choosing baby names, and they annually release a list of the most popular names of the year based on their patronage on their site.
$73m For A House And $1.3m Annual Clothes Budget – Check Out The Obscene Divorce Settlement Demands Of Supermodel Christina Estrada
On the one hand, she was married to a Saudi sheikh, and those obnoxious, mysoginistic sons of b*tches are super rich.
On the other hand, anybody who demands $1.3m a year for clothing whilst claiming ‘this is the life I’m used to’ can go to hell.
Swedish Player Shown Red Card For Farting On Pitch – Yes, Seriously.
A Swedish football player is livid after a referee showed him a red card for ‘farting’ on the pitch.
Adam Lindin Ljungkvist was playing for the reserve side of Järna SK’s against Pershagen SK, when he said his stomach disturbed him and he decided to simply let go.
Is Kempinski Hotel Really Selling Gari Soakings For Ghc145? A Lot Of Ghanaians Certainly Seem To Think So
Kempinski Hotel has not been operating very long, but they have acquired quite the reputation for charging exorbitant rates.
They’re a ‘high class’ facility, understandably- but this latest one seems to take the cake when it comes to going overboard in charging.
Woman Finds Her Baby’s Faeces Looking Like A Cross And Says Its A Sign From God
God (the Christian one) finds so many ways to send important signs to his followers- letting Jesus’ face appear on a piece of toast or cheese or even in a tree, carving a cross in the form of a sunset or putting Mary’s face on some grotto- and now, as poop in the diapers of babies.
This God, like the thousands of others in the universe, is too busy to solve poverty or stave off natural disasters, but has time to make appearances in poop.
US Politician Embarrassed After Screenshots He Posted Online Revealed Some P*rn Site Tabs On His Browser
Screenshots are useful for a lot of things, but this US politician would wish he had used his brain just a little more before utilising them to make a point.
Mike Webb, a conservative Christian running for congress Virginia, run into some trouble when he posted a screenshot online in order to make a point against an opponent- but ended up embarrassing himself.
VIDEO: Watch Moment Weather Forecaster Is Handed A Coat On Air To Cover Her Outfit
Going on air comes with so many conditions, checking and rechecking everything to make sure one presents the best possible appearance; but occasionally something slips through, even for seasoned pros.
A weather reporter for a Los Angeles based tv station, Liberté Chan, found herself being handed a coat by the news anchor during a recent segment, when it seemed her dress wasn’t holding up too well under the lights.
A Restaurant In London Set To Be Opened In June Would Allow Patrons To Go Nude If They So Choose
A new restaurant, set to open in London this June, is set to ran a nude operation within its premises.
‘The Bunyadi’ would be split into two section, clothed and unclothed. In the latter, patrons would have the opportunity to go nude if they prefer.
Best Job In The World? Danish Company Would Pay You Over £2,000 A Month To Watch 20 Hours Of P*rn
There are jobs, and then there are jobs. Getting paid to do something you already love doing, now that’s a job!
A Danish company is looking for a porn‘intern’, whose job exclusively, as the job title indicates, would be to watch p*rn.
Swedish Man In Police Grips For Farting In A Girl’s Apartment After She Refused Him S*x
A Swedish man is in police grips after his juvenile response to a girl’s refusal to have s*x with him led to her reporting him to the authorities.
The pair had agreed to the dalliance, but she refused to participate when the time came. Disappointed, the man farted and left the flat.
Kenyan Woman Gets All Expense Paid Trip To China After Friends Photoshopped Her Onto Several International Tourist Sites
The moment when photoshop earns you a trip to China.
Kenyan Seve Gat became an internet sensation after she was photoshopped onto all sorts of international tourist sites.
VIDEO: Watch Defendant Sing Adele’s ‘Hello’ In Courtroom To Show His Remorse
When all else fails try singing.
That was the plan a defendant in a case, facing certain time in prison, decided to go with.
Christian Dad ‘Advertises’ 26 Year Old Virgin Daughter In Christianity Today Magazine
Patriarchy, the one word all religions can be boiled down to. It’s permeated enough that in this day and age people think they still own their 26 year old daughters.
And he thinks she’s a virgin? Ok.