
IAmSassyChic.Com: What Your Date May Ask You The First Time & How To Answer Him!

From IAmSassyChic.Com It is not that your date will grill you the first time and he may not be looking for the ‘right’ answers from you per say. He just wants to be sure that you are honest on a lot of things. If you are not careful with the answers you give, you may … Read more

Jealousy…The Road To Death

Black woman


A Ghanaian man, Minta Adiddo was yesterday jailed in London for 17 years for stabbing his wife, Akua Agyeman, 32, fifteen times before attempting to run her over with his car over suspicion she was cheating with their neighbour. The mother of 2 spent two months in hospital before giving up the ghost. He as usual blamed his actions on the devil. A young vibrant life lost because of insecurity and ‘maybe’ unfounded suspicion.

Human emotions get the better part of some people, and this includes women in relationships, Jealousy has torn apart many a relationship over the years. It verges on and has easily crossed the lines of paranoia and obsessive behaviour which has led some to be violent to their partners and some to their early graves. Whatever form a man’s jealousy takes, the root cause is always the same: insecurity. Many ladies misread the signs when entering into a relationship with a jealous man, interpreting his possessive behaviour as caring, loving or even romantic.

Jealousy is excruciatingly uncomfortable. People sometimes try to make themselves feel better by trying to get their partner jealous. Don’t do this. Flirting with other men or women all the time in front of your partner; constantly saying how attractive, fun and going out of your way to talk about past lovers just demeans you and won’t make either of you feel better in the relationship. Some people confuse make-believe with reality. Making another jealous to ‘measure’ their worth of love is absurdity.

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Does Technology Ease The Pressure On Long Distance Relationships?

woman on laptop


Couples get separated for a variety of reasons. Due to modern mobility, some people choose to maintain their relationships even when far apart—and others start relationships with people living miles apart from them. They rely on communication technologies to keep the relationship afloat.

Unlike before where communicating with loved ones was through the writing of letters and then phone calls, things are much easier now and have made long-distance relationships more common. The answer to why people (I know) have decided to give the long-distance relationship a try because is because of the sophistication in technology.

Even though, our culture (especially, when it involves married couples) emphasizes being together physically and frequent face-to-face contact for close relationships; long-distance relationships clearly stand against all these values. But others believe people should not be so pessimistic about long-distance romance.

Looking at communicating when in long-distance relationships, technology has really made it easier, skyping, texting, whatsapping etc., but does technology really ease the pressure on this type of relationship? Does technology establish the one ingredient needed in relationships – trust?

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What Are The Relationship Deal Breakers For You? | GC Staff Writer Shares Hers…



So last Friday was girl’s night and with a couple of friends, we decided to hit town to cool off a bit. It was a weekly ritual that became a monthly to what it is now; once in a while when there was a juicy gist to share. I love spending time with my girls and I always looked forward to having one of these nights out.

On this particular night, the gist of the day, or should I say night was my friend who I would refer to as Remy for the purpose of this discussion.

She told us about this guy she had started seeing. She liked a lot of things about the guy; he was caring, kind, gentle and many other qualities some girls only get to dream about. There was just one problem: the guy couldn’t eat without opening his mouth. She said anytime they dined out, the guy would make it a point to start talking about something once the food hits his mouth.  And it was at that point in time that he will get enthusiastic about whatever he was talking about.

She said her worst experience with him was one time when the guy had just ingested yam and nkontomire stew, and he went ahead to display the unsightly combination of food in his mouth. She said she stopped looking at the guy the same way after that incident, and anytime she was about to kiss him a vision of the yam and stew combo in his mouth would appear, causing her to be hesitant about the kissing. According to her she was going to put a stop to their relationship because she just couldn’t get over his bad eating and talking habit.

After a few drinks and laughter, we all proceeded to talk about our own irks when it comes to the guys we were dating. I realized that most times, you don’t often know something irks you until you actually get to experience it.

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Women Cheat On Their Partners Because They Wear Socks During ‘Love Making’ | Top 5 Reasons Why Married Women CHEAT Revealed!



It has emerged that, wearing socks during sex and dirty talking in the bedroom are some of the reasons that push women to cheat on their partners—pretty a lame excuse…right?

Victoria Milan, a dating website that helps people find extramarital affairs, surveyed more than 4,000 women to uncover the top five bad habits that lead to infidelity and shockingly, some married women cheat because their men wore socks in bed…

Also, stealing the sheets at night which is termed as not-being a gentleman and being narcissistic (only pleasuring one’s self, rather than their partner) are among the bad habits that contribute to women’s extramarital behavior..

According to the website; ‘Little things like stealing her covers, keeping his socks on white making love, or checking the dreadful smartphone,’ are all ungentlemanly gestures that turn women off, reads a statement issued by the site.

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IAmSassyChic.Com: Secrets Your Man Would Not Want You To Know

From IAmSassyChic.Com As ladies, we have a lot of secrets…Secrets we have stocked in our private chambers where men are not permitted to visit expect when we allow them in. The men are not left out in keeping things away from us too, they are more skilled and experience in keeping secrets no matter how … Read more

The Moden Day Woman Loses Her Virginity Younger, Has More Lovers Than Ever & She Is 4 Times More Likely To Experiment With Lesbian Sex-Do You Agree?

Woman on phone in bed


It looks like when it is time for me to marry; I need to time travel to the 70s to find myself a woman, as the modern day woman is pretty corrupt…

A new research has highlighted how things have changed over the years—-when it comes to women and relationships.

According to the research, the women’s sex lives have become more adventurous and they have relationships with twice as many men as they did 20 years ago, a major study has revealed.

The average female now has eight partners during her lifetime, up  from four in the 1990s – and catching up with men, whose average is 12.

They are also four times more likely to experiment with other women than they were two decades ago, and those who are better educated and better off tend to be the most adventurous.

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You Cheated on Your Partner, Would/Should You Tell? Experts Say NO!

A young black woman


How many marriages break up due to the infidelity of one or the other? Many. Too many in fact.So my stance is simple and logical and devoid of unnecessary emotional clout.

When you cheat on your partner, perhaps the first time, keep it to yourself.

Most people tell because they are tired of carrying the guilt. If your conscience pushes you to tell, I think it is selfish of you. What you are doing is transferring your guilt and giving your partner unnecessary hurt over something you may never do again and your partner may likely never trust you again, cheat too or leave the relationship/marriage.

Was that the outcome you were hoping for? I doubt so. More importantly, relationship experts agree it is not necessary to tell your spouse.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, an 85 year old relationship guru said “Piece of advice for spouses who have strayed, keep your mouth shut!”

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Are You Married To An Idiot?

  When I was in secondary school (now you know some of us are old when we say secondary school instead of high school). Anyway like I was saying, when I was in secondary school, my teacher said to us; “Ladies, make sure you marry the right person. Someone who deserves you just as much … Read more

THE BIG QUESTION: Do We Really Fall Out Of Love?

GC GiveAway Why Men Love Bitches
Why Men Love Bitches

No matter how much of an illusion the concept of falling in love and being in love may seem to you, the fact remains; people deeply fall in love and even decide to spend their whole life together…

I cannot imagine a world without love and even if I can imagine this, it will be full of chaos, hatred and hurt.

Guided and inspired by love, many of us do a lot of great things for others, especially those close to us and those we have in our inner heart.

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling and knowing someone loves you is awesome. Even if love is an illusion enjoyed by people of dogmatic understanding of reality, it is undisputed that it fetches a great deal of comfort, happiness and sense of belongingness for those who have it in their lives.

In short, love is a beautiful experience—both being in love and being loved.

The same way we claim to fall in love and go to the extent of wanting to die for those we love, we hear of people falling out of love—after which some enter into a world of hatred for those they once claimed to love.

It is logically and philosophically possible to say if you can fall in love, then you can surely fall out of love too. But remember love follows no logic and it is this attribute of love that makes it unique and enduring…

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DO YOU KNOW THAT: Women Who Fake Orgasms Are ‘More Likely To Cheat On Their Partner’

in bed

If you’ve ever caught your partner faking orgasm, then that is a clear indication that she is cheating on you or about to cheat on you as a study has found women who fake orgasms are more likely to cheat on their partners.

Even though the research found that faking satisfaction in bed is not healthy for relationships, It also revealed women fake an orgasm in almost a fifth of their sexual encounters in an attempt to spare their partners’ feelings.

Dr Justin Lehmiller, a psychologist from Harvard University who analysed the findings, said: ‘The more orgasms a woman had faked, the more likely she was to have cheated previously and the greater her likelihood of cheating again. Fake orgasms say a lot more about a woman’s odds of staying faithful than actual orgasms.’

The researchers also found that women fake orgasms far more often than men do – they do so 18 per cent of the times while men only fake it in one in 20 times.

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DID YOU KNOW THAT: People In Love Are Less Able To Concentrate At Work?


Have you looked at love this way? According to a new study, the fact that you cannot concentrate at work may mean you are in love with your boyfriend…

The study which was published in the journal Motivation and Emotion says, people who are in love are less able to focus and to perform tasks that require attention.

Explaining the study, researcher Henk van Steenbergen said; ‘when you have just become involved in a romantic relationship you’ll probably find it harder to focus on other things because you spend a large part of your cognitive resources on thinking of your beloved,’.


According to MailOnline;

While passionate love usually involves enhanced, near-obsessive attention to your beloved, a lover’s concentration for daily tasks like study and work may actually be impaired, suggesting reduced cognitive control.

Mr van Steenbergen, together with colleagues from Leiden University and the University of Maryland, studied 43 participants who had been in a relationship for less than six months.

They were asked to perform a number of tasks, one of which included being timed as they sorted irrelevant from relevant information.

The more in love they were, the less able they were to hone in on the ‘relevant’ information. There was no difference between men and women.

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DO YOU KNOW THAT: ‘One Night Stands’ Are Not Worth It For Women As Most Do Not Fully Enjoy It!



Meeting someone on a night out and finding yourself in bed with the person after a bang is not worth it for women—-as this is more satisfying for men than women, according to a new study.

A  study has found that women are twice as likely to orgasm when having ‘seks’ as part of a committed relationship, compared to one night stands.

And apart from the known regret and heartache one nigh stands cause for women, men on such missions are less interested in satisfying the women involved.

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Why Relationships Do Not Last Today: Fast Food, Fast Wi-fi, Fast Cars & FAST LOVE



It has become alarming the rate at which divorce cases are flying around but I can’t say I am surprised though… Love has become a game of “the survival of the fittest”! Everything is so fast paced in our society these days: we’re talking fast food, fast wi-fi, fast cars, fast money, fast fame, fast talkers, heck – fast everything!

So it wouldn’t be presumptuous to add “fast love” to the list! I mean, take a second to think about it…

A typical relationship that is lucky enough to have crossed the sacred line into marriage, after the sweet courtship, expensive engagement and wedding (they probably took a loan), blissful honeymoon and three year old toddler. You would think a ‘happily ever after’ would follow but before those words can even form a complete sentence, we hear about the file for divorce! Why? I’ll tell you why…

It’s simply because we choose the fastest way out. As soon as there is too much pressure; as soon as we settle and get past the initial “butterflies-in-stomach” stage and the relationship is no longer on auto pilot, we simply decide to crash. We leave the wreck we caused, nurse our wounds and hop on the next available flight of rosiness (I won’t call it love) and the cycle continues.

After more than a few emotional crashes, we give up and blame it on everything but ourselves.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that at the initial dating stages, there must be an acceptable level of attraction. There must be passion, warmth, euphoria… you name it. You cannot force these feelings because they are either there or not. I agree. (Although there are some exceptions, for example, I didn’t quite feel anything for my first boyfriend. But with time, I grew into him).

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