Each church is full of different characters–and it being a house of God does not really do anything to some of the most annoying and pathetic human characters. Of course, it’s the same people you meet on the street who converge at our churches, burdened with a high expectation to suddenly act different or become … Read more
illustration of the physical barrier caused by Vasalgel ‘blocking’ the sperm from reaching the penis
A new contraceptive for men which is supposed to be a reversible vasectomy has been successfully tested on monkeys and could soon be set for human trials.
‘Vasalgel’ is the drug, and developers are hoping to get the green light from regulators for human trials to commence so they can look at bringing it to market.
bottoms up A newly released, multi faceted global study into the alcohol consumption rates of males and females have found that in terms of equality between the s*xes, there’s one gap being closed rapidly – and that’s the rate at which both consume alcohol. It has been the preserve of men for a long time but the study shows that in the modern era, the drinking levels between the two have closed to near negligible levels.
Every day, we get to learn more about how our lifestyles can either wreck or protect the health of our heart and we all know it’s never too early to start thinking about your heart and taking steps to care for it.
It is based on this background that Johannes Hinreich von Borstel, prospective cardiologist and former paramedic who also happens to be the author of a new book Heart: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Important Organ has revealed some of the surprising ways to keep your heart beating healthily from his own experience treating patients with heart conditions and from research findings.
HIV-AIDS Ghanaian researcher Dr Ato Duncan says he’s the saviour mankind has been waiting for, the one man who cures the troubling ailment known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The syndrome, developed from the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) – refers to the final stages of the virus’ development when the human’s immune system is virtually destroyed and the patient dies from a variety of otherwise harmless infections.
For many whose perspective about the state of Ghana is obtained from a far distance, the West African country is placed to be swiftly developing–as some of the biggest brand names in the hospitality business have made giant entries into the capital, Accra, albeit, swimming in a comforting lack of competition pool.
There’s a huge non-befitting buzz about some of the places that somewhat are used to validate the assumption that Ghana has “arrived” or is truly developing and two of such places are the famous MovenPick and Kempinski Hotels, situated not far from each other at the heart of Accra.
Local conversations about these two places are extensively flattering but to me, the architectures are short of the elegance the words compliment. They are just modern hotels, just as you would find on the streets of Paris, Barcelona, New York, Copenhagen and several of the world’s developing capitals.
A new experimental compound in the fight against malaria is showing great promise in animal trials, preventing the host from contracting the parasites during the period of the study. Scientists from the Massachussets Institute of Technology and Harvard carried out the clinicals, using a compound that managed to stave off the malaria infection that’s all too deadly in many parts of the world.
A new research has found that millions of people are putting their own lives in danger by eating late at night–as late night meals put the body on ‘high alert’ instead of winding down.
Heart experts have advised that adults should never eat within two hours of bedtime –ideally, nothing after 7pm.
The blood pressure of a healthy person drops at least 10 percent when the individual goes to sleep but a study by Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey which used over 700 people has found that eating 2 hours of bedtime keeps blood pressure stably high.
To some of us we always look forward to having a goodnight’s sleep and this new research’s findings is going to give us more reasons to hit our beds at night
Findings from a study conducted by the University of Freiburg led by psychiatrist Christoph Nissen, indicates that sleep resets your brains memory connections, leaving it fresh to make new ones the next day.
The study which was conducted with 20 students between the ages of 19 and 25 years went on to reveal that when we get to the end of the day our brains ‘are saturated with things’ like the conversations, images and facts absorbed in the 18 hours or more that we stayed awake such that the connections in our brains are ‘strong, tense and unable to absorb any more’ making an individual cranky and unable to think clearly
Call it a moral booster or progress monitor, a new research says it doesn’t matter what you call it–if you post your fitness routine, then you may be suffering from a psychological problem. A new research from the Brunel University in London looked at why so many people share every workout photos on social media–they came to the conclusion that there’s an underlying problem. Per the research, as reported by BusinessInsider, “People who are always keen on documenting their gym activities (or every time you simply go for a good, old-fashioned run) tend to be narcissists. According to the researchers, the primary goal is to boast about how much time you invest in your looks. Apparently, these status updates also earn more Facebook likes than other kinds of posts.”
Akosua Vee
One of the biggest color trends this summer is something slightly unexpected: it’s yellow.
I say unexpected because yellow isn’t a color that you typically see everyone wearing. Yellow is bright, it’s loud, it’s in-your-face – it’s a bold color, and it’s not something you wear if you’re trying to play it safe.
I also know a lot of people who say that yellow isn’t flattering on them. As someone who loves wearing black, white, and brown, I’ve always felt the same way.
But then one year, I found myself buying a pretty yellow tank top to match a skirt I wanted to wear. I was honestly so worried about wearing the outfit, because it was a little out of my comfort zone, but it looked great! It ended up being one of my favorite outfits.
I cannot even begin to imagine myself in those medieval ages where people had to tire their fragile legs just to move from one destination to the other since the foot was if not the only means of transportation. Today, there is a lot more ways to convey goods and persons to and from their … Read more
A frugal person is someone whose finances are always in order; who does not worry about how to pay endless bills because they have enough to cover those needs. Regardless of what you think about them, they are those people who make smart choices when it comes to spending.
In this economy, it is a wise call to everyone to tighten their belts when it comes to their finances because of crazy hikes in prices by the day.
It is advisable to forgo a lot of things to which you have accustomed yourself. These things are those you and your family can definitely do without. Sometimes, cutting down on certain things could pinch you to think that people will say you are poor. Honestly, they will hardly notice until you tell them yourself.
These changes in your lifestyle are not dramatic and make a lot of sense financial wise. Besides, you can make these lifestyle changes to support frugality and have your bank account will be eternally grateful to you. Flip to the next pages for these 6 helpful ways…
So the New Year began days ago and your new resolution (which is actually a to-do list for the first week of January) does not look as appealing as it did in the frenzy of the moment you made it. Well, you are not alone. Personally, I have made it a point to keep myself … Read more
Alma House in Accra During my recent trip to Ghana, I stayed at 3 of the popular luxurious places in the country; Labadi Beach Hotel, Oak Plazza and at the Holy Trinity Spa & Health Farm at Sogakope. And then, I spent my last 3 days in Accra at ‘Alma House’, a carefully thought through ‘Home Away from Home’ hotel—well positioned; a few minutes away from Labone Coffee Shop. I’ve stayed in some of the fine hotels around the world; in the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, Scotland, England, Wales and Spain—and mostly, they all serve the same posh ambience and layout on the back of expensive pricing. In Ghana, ‘hotels cost more than having a brain surgery’ and mostly, the high cost is due to facilities you will never use, but you still have to pay for them as they make up the total charge. Alma House in Accra Everyone has the basic things they look for when booking a hotel; of course the environment and affordability are paramount but as a writer and a web entrepreneur, I mostly add to my necessary requirements; a good internet connection, food and a comfortable working space. Beyond these, every other thing may not really matter to me. It was therefore a delight when my friend introduced ‘Alma House’ to me: it has a top class hotel ambience, with all its spacious rooms air-conditioned, fitted with private modern bathrooms, cable TVs and a working area. From the outside, you may think it’s just a beautiful house but it’s obviously more than that, it’s a hotel—operating under a unique atmosphere of ‘Home Away from Home.’